Welcome, Dear Scholar

 I am honored to join you on your journey. The services offered here are intended to help graduate students navigate the mental-emotional-spiritual challenges of entering the institution of academia. Mentoring topics have been designed centered on the needs and experiences of those who identify as "other" and work from the margins in academia--broadly understood. I believe that academia's greatest potential is in the holistic success of people bearing silenced perspectives, so that they may work with love and purpose for themselves and the world.

I suggest you start with a complimentary "Hello" Session or my "Higher Learning with Higher Love" course. This is a self-guided online course which will give you a way to work through my core mentoring topics at your own pace.

Of course, feel free to contact me with any questions you have.

Hello, I'm Shelley Tuazon Guyton, phd

I am an early-career academic working in the areas of anthropology, disaster studies and Southeast Asian studies. In my 10 years in higher education, I have come to know that the institution was not designed for all. For those who's specific needs are not met in Higher education institutions, learning can be a violent experience to our hearts, psyches, spirits and bodies. I have been socialized into academia, and still operate within academia from a position in the margins. For this reason, I ideated around how to mentor students coming up through the system after me.


We learn the institutional expectations of standardized education--that we must aim to match a standard of replicating institutionally accepted knowledge. We are conditioned to hide knowledge, thoughts, opinions that do not apply to standardized knowledge. Suddenly, as graduate students, the expectations change. We are expected to share our unique thoughts. There is no guidance to transition us into this. In this topic, we work on learning how to liberate those unique truths we've learned to lock away.

Heal the Hustle

As academics, we are trained over a lifetime of schooling into the pressure to do more, to be better than, and to exceed expectations. As a result, we often feel that we are not doing enough, and so work harder and longer, believing that to be our recipe for success...for survival. I believe that our personal manifestations of hustle are rooted in wounds around (but not limited to) our experiences in learning institutions. In this topic, we work on turning toward healing rather than hustling.

Inner Alignment

Many of us enter academia as part of our pursuit toward fulfilling a higher purpose oriented toward our personal commitments. However, there is little formal space made in the university to acknowledge and work with our personal values and beliefs. As a graduate student, I navigated many points of dissonance between what I was told I should be doing to succeed in this world, and what I felt I should be doing to stay true to my more ethereal intentions for becoming an academic. In this topic, we work on aligning to and staying true to your internal compass.

Higher Learning with Higher Love Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unlock 🔓
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Heal the Hustle ❤️‍🩹
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Inner Alignment ✨
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Concluding Thoughts
Available in days
days after you enroll
