Welcome, Dear Scholar

 I am honored to join you on your journey. The services offered here are intended to help graduate students navigate the mental-emotional-spiritual challenges of entering the institution of academia. Mentoring topics have been designed centered on the needs and experiences of those who identify as "other" and work from the margins in academia--broadly understood. I believe that academia's greatest potential is in the holistic success of people bearing silenced perspectives, so that they may work with love and purpose for themselves and the world.

I suggest you start with a complimentary "Hello" Session or my "Higher Learning with Higher Love" course. This is a self-guided online course which will give you a way to work through my core mentoring topics at your own pace.

Of course, feel free to contact me with any questions you have.

Hello, I'm Shelley Tuazon Guyton, phd

I am an early-career academic working in the areas of anthropology, disaster studies and Southeast Asian studies. In my 10 years in higher education, I have come to know that the institution was not designed for all. For those who's specific needs are not met in Higher education institutions, learning can be a violent experience to our hearts, psyches, spirits and bodies. I have been socialized into academia, and still operate within academia from a position in the margins. For this reason, I ideated around how to mentor students coming up through the system after me.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?

If you are unsatisfied with your coaching, reach out to us to see if your purchase is eligible for a refund.

As stated in Teachable's Terms of Use, Coaching IS NOT covered by Teachable's 30-day student refund policy. As such, we highly recommend that you add your own refund policy here.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.

Can I purchase coaching more than once?

Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again.